Scale Agile Framework (SAFe)

Rapid development with applied systems thinking. Our releases range from 2 weeks to 10 weeks, emphasizing regular feedback loops and adaptive planning. The team is targeting a single week sprint/release. We use our SIMPLE playbook with the HCD process/templates, the DevSecOps tools, and a wealth of open source solutions we have built and accumulated over the years to enable rapid release on demand.  For example, we helped a client launch a large a cloud-based minimum viable product with 300 open source libraries and enable its market testing and validation within 10 weeks.

The SIMPLE Experience

Day One

eSimplicity agile teams are effective and productive on day one. A key part of our development of self-organizing agile team members is to make sure each team member knows what team he/she belongs to, and how the teams interact with one another right from the start of the project. Communication channels, stakeholders, roles and responsibilities may be changed and evolved. But it’s important to make sure each agile team member always aware of the overall team structure and especially his/her role and responsibility, whether it’s within an agile team or a shared DevSecOps or architecture team.

Systems Thinking

Decentralized decision-making reduces delays, improves product development flow and enables faster feedback and more innovative solutions. However, some decisions are strategic, global in nature, and have economies of scale sufficient enough to warrant centralized decision-making. Many of our complex system development efforts use the Essential SAFe organization structure to provide autonomy, share knowledge, solutions and services across agile teams. Our engineers are encouraged to maintain multiple requirements and design options for a longer period in the development cycle. Empirical data is then used to narrow focus, resulting in a design that creates better economic outcomes.


When we measure progress by working software, we really mean to emphasize the word “working”. To ensure that the software works as expected by the users, we have to extensively communicate and gain user feedback. Our team fosters a completely open, transparent communication approach where the integrated team including customers, partners, and team members have access to the evolving project mission, vision, roadmap, backlog, and detail implementation status at any moment.